Does the thought of going to the dentist cause you anxiety? Rest assured, you’re not the only one! First of all, the professionals at Tyler Endodontics understand and honor your concerns, and will do whatever we can to help you through your experience. Not only do we treat each patient with care and compassion, but also offer other methods to help ease your mind.
Nitrous Oxide
We offer the use of nitrous oxide, better known as “laughing gas” to our patients who are used to having it at their general dentist or would like to have something to help calm them down. Nitrous oxide does not put you to sleep, but will help many people feel more relaxed during treatment. One benefit over other forms of sedation is that it does not combine with you blood stream, and at the end of your treatment oxygen is used to flush out the gas, rendering you capable of driving yourself if needed.
Oral Sedation
Anxious patients can be prescribed a pill to help relax them while having work done. You will remain conscious, but you will feel more calm and relaxed.
IV Sedation
We have some patients that want to be completely asleep for their procedure. Our office works closely with an anesthesiologist who will place you in a light sleep and monitor you throughout the procedure.
Our office understands the needs and natural fears our patients have and we offer a variety of options to help, when needed.
It is important to remember that if you receive sedation for your procedure, you MUST have a driver.